Welcome to ZayneOS!

This is an operating system that I make using Scratch for fun. I'll start by using Scratch 1.4 to restrict myself in blocks and not have this project suffer from feature lag and then by 1.5, i'll make the last 1.x LTS release which will get updates until a few versions later.

What are LTS versions?

LTS stands for Long-Term Support. These special versions will continue to get updates for a few more versions. These updates will be bug fixes that future versions have but the new features won't be carried over.

I found a bug!

First off, be happy! You are helping us out by finding it! Second of all, please go to our bug tracker below and post what the bug is and how to recreate it. Then we will fix it.

Bug tracker :)


Nightly builds

These builds are being developed and are VERY new. If you use these versions, please share all bugs with me through our bug tracker. The current versions will be moved to the download section below.

No downloads available at this current time

Current versions

These versions are actively being updated by me. The older versions will be moved to the download section below.

No downloads available at this current time

Old versions

These versions are older versions of currently available versions. These are usually slightly more unstable and have more bugs in them. The obsolete versions will be moved to the download section below.

No downloads available at this current time

Obsolete versions

These versions are not being updated at all. These are usually only used when newer versions can't run on the hardware that is being used.

No downloads available at this current time